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Keller Williams Realty Swm
Ryan Arnt, Keller Williams Realty SwmPhone: (269) 470-6666
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Gardening

Posted on 03/19/2023
How to Grow Geraniums in Containers
Geraniums are a favorite among gardeners for their colorful blooms and ease of care. If you live in a region with mild winters, they are excellent options for garden beds and containers outdoors. However, it's still possible to enjoy growing geraniums no matter what climate zone you live in. Here is a basic guide to growing geraniums in...
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Posted on 03/27/2022
How to Protect Your Yard from Winter Snow Storms
Winter snow storms can cause significant damage to your yard and garden. Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can prepare your outdoor spaces for winter storms and prevent costly damage. Here are some ways you can get your property ready to handle the next winter snow storm: Inspect for Weak or Dead Limbs One major cause of...
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Posted on 08/22/2021
3 Reasons Why You Should Plant a Victory Garden
Victory gardens have been a tradition ever since the first World War. Growing your own vegetables, fruits and other edible crops at home can have major benefits, no matter the size and complexity of your garden. Here are some of the top reasons victory gardens are still beneficial in a modern world: Know Exactly What’s In Your Food...
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