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Keller Williams Realty Swm
Ryan Arnt, Keller Williams Realty SwmPhone: (269) 470-6666
Email: [email protected]

3 Reasons Why You Should Plant a Victory Garden

by Ryan Arnt 08/22/2021

Victory gardens have been a tradition ever since the first World War. Growing your own vegetables, fruits and other edible crops at home can have major benefits, no matter the size and complexity of your garden. Here are some of the top reasons victory gardens are still beneficial in a modern world:

Know Exactly What’s In Your Food

Even when buying from a trusted market, fresh produce can inspire questions about its origins. You might wonder where exactly the food came from or what the working conditions were for the people who helped grow and harvest it. You might also wonder what methods and materials were used to promote its growth—particularly if there were any potentially harmful pesticides or other chemicals used.

Luckily, with people asking these questions more and more, it’s become common for food vendors to provide this information. Even so, what could be better than having complete control over your own food? Growing your own fruits, veggies and herbs in a victory garden means you were there for every part of the process. You know all about the soil, fertilizers, water and working conditions. In this way, a victory garden will give you a sense of gratification and comfort from knowing exactly what went in to the food on your table.

Save Money & Time

Food is only getting more expensive over time and fresh organic produce is no exception. Healthier options are often more expensive than less nutritious options which leaves you with the uncomfortable choice of quality over quantity. This is another way a victory garden can provide an enormous benefit. Eating the vegetables, fruits and herbs from your own garden can reduce your regular grocery bills by noticeable amounts.

Victory gardens will also save you precious time. In some areas, fresh food is hard to find. Many have to travel great distances to buy any groceries and sometimes even further to find the highest quality of organic options. If you need a specific food item that grows in your garden, getting it is as simple as harvesting it yourself. This saves you time and the additional cost of transportation.

Help the Environment

Victory gardens are a simple way to help yourself while also helping the environment. Growing your own produce limits fossil fuel emissions otherwise spent in transit to purchase it. Farms and corporations may continue to ship produce all over the country, but you can take comfort and satisfaction in knowing your own food was grown and harvested sustainably. You may even inspire your friends and neighbors to do the same in their own backyards. Every bit is helpful when it comes to giving the environment a boost.

Victory gardens traditionally have plots in the ground or raised beds, but if you live in an apartment or property with no room to plant you can still enjoy them. Many vegetables and herbs grow successfully in containers on your balcony or even indoors. With some creativity and patience, you can keep this valuable tradition going and get all the same benefits.

About the Author

Ryan Arnt

I have provided award-winning service to many clients over the past 25 years. Few other REALTORS are as trusted as I am. My clients trust my advice, and they know that I always look out for their best long-term interests. You can expect, and you will receive personal service that is second to none. When you hire me as your Agent you work with me and only me. I will answer your calls and respond to your text messages. I promise not to hand you off to another member of "My team" like others do. When you hire Ryan, you get Ryan.

I have called Southwest Michigan home for 40 years. My mother's family ran a local locksmith service, and my father served as the Chief Investigator for the County's Prosecutor's office for many years. I love all that this area offers, and I enjoy serving the buyers and sellers who are moving in or out of Southwest Michigan.

My wife and I have two children, and we would not want to raise them anywhere else. Between the award-winning schools and the plethora of youth activities offered in Southwest Michigan, it's a great place to call home. We enjoy spending time with friends at the beach, boating, golfing, hunting, skiing "Up North," and fishing.

We give back generously to the community that has been so good to us. Currently, I serve on the Lakeshore Public Schools Foundation Board (LEF), as Past President of the St. Joe Kickers Sports Club, and as a Rotarian in the Stevensville-Lakeshore Rotary Club. We donate throughout the year to various local organizations, schools, and youth sports groups.

I want to put my experience and knowledge to work for you. Having sold more than 500 properties while earning the trust and respect of my fellow REALTORS, who voted me the "REALTOR of the Year," I am confident I can earn your trust as well.

Looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate? Please allow me the opportunity to serve you. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Ryan Arnt

Real Estate Broker/Company Owner

Keller Williams of Southwest Michigan

You can reach me anytime, call or text 269.470.6666, or email me at [email protected].

When you need a REALTOR, Rely on Ryan!